Tibet Kolloquium – abgesagt + verschoben auf 23.11.11

Bhutan’s Wild East. Impressions and Results from Recent Fieldwork This illustrated lecture introduces the little-known far eastern zone of the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan. It reports my recent 7 week (Aug.-Oct. 2011) visit to the far east as part of the first foreign anthropological team to be granted permission for field research there. I will give general impressions of contemporary Bhutanese life in the region, and a summary of initial research findings. Our work included mapping the distribution and movement of ethno-linguistic communities, documenting popular rites related to agriculture and domestic space, and investigating the contemporary cult of Buddhist “Treasure Revealers” (Tertön): Prof. Dr. Toni Huber (Zentralasien-Seminar).

>Neu: Mittwoch, 23. November, 18.00 Uhr
Berlin-Mitte, Invalidernstr. 118 (Eingang nur über die Schlegelstr. 26) 5. Stock, Raum 507.

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